Colonoscopy Magnesium Citrate Prep Instructions
Day before your procedure:
- Please follow a clear liquid diet only for all three meals:
- Examples: Apple Juice, white grape juice, chicken broth, beef broth, or vegetable broth, plain Jell-O, popsicles, Gatorade or lemonade. No milk or milk products. No liquids that are red or purple in color.
- Begin your prep as directed below.
- Drink plenty of water and other clear fluids throughout the day.
Magnesium Citrate Preparation:
- At 12:00 noon, drink one bottle, you may chill it in the refrigerator. DO NOT ADD ICE.
- At 4:00pm, drink the second bottle.
- At 6:00pm, take 2 Dulcolax tablets.
- Continue to drink clear fluid until midnight. DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING AFTER MIDNIGHT.
Day of your procedure:
- DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING PRIOR TO THE PROCEDURE.You may take medications with a small sip of water. The following medications are encouraged prior to your procedure:
- Hypertension medications that do not include diuretics.
- Seizure medications.
- If you are diabetic, DO NOT TAKE your oral diabetic medications or any insulin.
- Dress in comfortable clothes. You will be more comfortable after your procedure if you are wearing clothes that are not too tight around your abdomen.
- NO DRIVING: Due to the sedation, you will not be allowed to drive after your procedure. You will not be allowed to have your procedure if you do not have a drive available.
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